Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Where did December go?!?

As usual, December has flown by once again.
I can't believe that it is the second of January already.

I looked at my blog and was appalled that I haven't blogged since Halloween. Pathetic!
So much has happened. December is a very busy month around here. I know, everyone has a lot to do in December. Well do all that plus Ethan's birthday on the th 11 and Emma's on the 16th. Oh and don't forget Stephen's birthday on the 29 of November, Christina's on the 6 of December, mom's on the 21, Granny's on the 23, and Bob's on the 3rd of Jan. What a month!

I have finally found time to sit and blog about the surgery.

Back at the end of November I got a call from the surgery center. They told me that I had been denied coverage from the insurance company for the surgery. She said that they did not find enough evidence that I had been trying to loose weight with my doctor. So, they wanted me to go on a 6 month, physician supervised diet. She said that I could have my doctor call the person who reviewed my application and try to appeal the decision, but it had to be done with in a week. So...

I called my doctor and told him what was going on. He figured that this might happen. That's why, when we started this process, he put me on a diet pill and had me come in every month for weight checks. He said he would call the person who reviewed my application and give him the information we had collected up to this point. COOL!!

Two weeks go by and my doctor is having a hard time getting thru the automated phone system. I am anxious to hear the final word, but I am so tired all the time. I felt like I was dragging myself thru my days. On December 12 I had a passing thought that I might be pregnant. So I took a pregnancy test and to my shock, it came back positive. Bruce was sitting at the computer desk. I came out with my test, tossed it up on the desk, pat Bruce on the shoulder and told him "Merry Christmas" He was shocked too. I decided to take another one in the morning just to make sure the positive was real and not a false positive. It was just as positive in the morning as it had been the night before. I called my doctor and told him to stop trying to call the insurance company. I can't have the surgery now anyway. He was very surprised and happy for us.

Now the question was how we were going to tell our family. My mom was coming out to celebrate Emma's birthday. She was showing up that night. Bruce's parents would be getting here on the night of the 15. Bruce and I decided to tell our parents about the baby by placing 5 stockings over the fireplace this year. The only hitch was that he wouldn't let me do it until Friday night after his parents had arrived. That way it would be up and ready to be seen by all on Saturday morning.

Now we had to figure out a way to let all of our friends and extended family members know. We took a picture of the stockings and sent out a digital greeting card to every one we had email addresses for. It was really fun to see how long it took people to figure it out. One of my friends asked if we had gotten a dog. Ha!

I have to say that it has taken me some time to switch gears. I was expecting to have surgery in the next month. I worked really hard to loose 25 pounds. If history repeats itself, I will be gaining the 25 pounds back and then some with this baby. It will be at least 3 years before I can even consider the surgery again.

Don't get me wrong. We are very excited about the baby. He or she will be a blessed addition to our family. We just thought it would happen about a year after the surgery. I was looking forward to Bruce being able to feel the baby move. He was never able to feel the other two kids move because of my size. I guess that wasn't in God's plan.

When we told the kids they were both very excited. Ethan told me that "my dreams have come true, mom." For a couple of months now Emma has been talking about when she grows up and can have babies in her tummy. When we told her I was pregnant she was very excited. So far we have been able to miss the "how did the baby get there" bullet. Ha! I am sure it will come some day soon.

I don't know what I am going to do with this blog. I can't decide whether or not to leave it and come back when I start the weight loss surgery again, or whether to blog about the baby and life here in Indiana. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Until next time, so long.


Anonymous said...

Hey, be truthful. I said 'did you get a dog or are congratulations in order?'

I got it right away!


Anonymous said...

My vote is that you keep the blog and use it to update us on the pregnancy and the kids. That way we get your side of things (a more complete side I suspect) instead of just what Bruce puts in his blog.

Tim and I are so thrilled for you guys!


Celestial Freak said...

I was able to figure it out pretty quick. I just didn't know what to make of it. When Bob and Venita where here after visiting you Bob made a game out of it and I think I shocked all by being able to say I thought it meant you were pregnant because I knew you were thinking about it, but only thinking since you had the surgery upcoming.
To be honest I think this is all a good thing. Maybe down the road things will be easier to loose weight without the drastic choice of surgery. I know I'd have a very hard time making that choice. I'm greatful my doctors are focused on many things regarding my health. Size isn't always the worst thing.
I did post a quick congratulations on Bruce's Myspace page. But I'll say it here too. Congratulations.
I hope that you keep blogging. It's nice being able to see little glimpses into your day to day when you post. They don't have to all have a common theme, just be something from you. Plus what better topic to post about then your third pregnancy.

Anonymous said...


I say you continue to blog, it is my only steady view of what you are up to! If I heard from you more regularly then that may be different!

Anonymous said...

Angella -- I tried being more complete in my blog, but Trish didn't like my choice of details so much. I am due to say something on the subject, though. What kind of blog would it be if I didn't mention things like a baby and buying a house?