Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Tuesday night Ethan and Emma dressed up for trick or treat. They scavenged the neighborhood, with two other kids, looking for Halloween goodies. They had a great time!
Here are a few pictures.

Ethan didn't get to carve a pumpkin this year. So we had to get a little creative.
Yes, those are cucumber ears.

Ethan wanted to be Dash from the Incredibles. He was a great Dash. He dashed from one house to the next.
Emma wanted to be "Singerella". She even had the glass slippers. They were jelly shoes. She thought it was great until she realized that she couldn't keep up with the other kids. The slippers kept slipping off the back of her heels. She had to curl her toes to keep them on. This kept her from being first to the door bell.
I thought this might be a problem and put her stride rite shoes in daddy's coat pocket. Once she changed shoes she could keep up without having to be carried. But she still had a hard time getting to the door bell first. She was more interested in what she got, where as Ethan just wanted to get more. So he was usually off to the next house while Emma jumped up and down for joy at the piece of candy that she just got.
To make sure that the kids were visible to cars we got them each a glow stick necklace. We had them wear them backwards, like tail lights. So that the kids could be seen from the front, we put an Ogg in each kids candy bucket. It worked really well. What is an Ogg you ask. They are little glowing eggs that Bruce got me for mothers day. Here is where he got them:

We were out trick or treating for about an hour and a half. By the time we got back home the buckets were so full we had to take the oggz out for fear they would roll off the top of the mound.
When we got home the kids were allowed one candy. Out of 2 buckets worth of candy, the biggest hit was the gummy Googley Eyeballs. Personally I am looking forward to the frozen 3 Musketeers and Milkyway bars :-)

I hope you all had a Spooktacular Halloween

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're both growing so much!

We really need to do a get together, espeically if Angella and Tim are leaving the country next year.