Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I have not been posting here because I am very frustrated with this weight loss. I don't have much to say about it. At this point I have been working with my Dr. since May and I am still at 270.

Dr. Carter took me off my phentermine yesterday because of numbness in my hands and feet. I have to go and have a neurological test done to find out what is going on. Once we have the results, I don't know if he will put me back on the phentermine or not.

I know part of my problem is that I don't have an exercise routine. I want to rejoin Curves, but I don't have anyone to watch Eliza, and funds may be an issue. I would love to purchase a trampoline for the back yard. Mom has one and the kids and I have soooo much fun jumping on it together. But, Bruce doesn't seem to be interested because of the insurance increase, or the chance of loosing our home owners insurance.

ARGH!! Frustration!

I guess that is it for awhile. At least until after we find out about me feet and hands.

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Emma Watson said...
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